Friday, February 01, 2008

The History of Visual Communication

Academic + Philosophy

girlshapesAn amazing study and insight on the history of visual communication gives a good look on the development of this human endeavor. Please read it when you have some time.

Below is Wikipedia's definition for visual communication. The translation of ideas, stories and concepts that are largely textual and/or word based into a visual format, i.e. visual communication.

"Visual communication is the communication of ideas through the visual display of information. Primarily associated with two dimensional images, it includes: art, signs, photography, typography, drawing fundamentals, colour and electronic resources. Recent research in the field has focused on web design and graphically oriented usability. It is part of what a graphic designer does to communicate visually with the audience".

The primary tool by which man has visualised ideas is through the usage of writing and, by extension, type: Writing/type is the visual manifestation of the spoken word. And words are what we communicate with. Thus it is no overstatement when we say that type is the essence of visual communication and by extension of visual communication design. Type, where it is present, is simply the single most important element that you put on a page, since it inherently carries the essence of communication and communication is what our subject of study as graphic/multimedia designers is all about. Thus, the history of visual communication, i.e. the history of the visualisation of the spoken word, will largely follow the development of typographic systems, with a special focus on the Latin typographic system, given that this is the one that we are operating under. Although the primary focus will be on typographic elements and methodologies, the course will, of course, also cover pictorial aspects of visual communication, such as illustration, illumination, photography, shapes, colour etc as and where they pertain to the essence of the subject.

By reading the study, I developed some ideas on the visualisaton of music as parallel form of communication. If word on paper are communication, I think music can be seen as communication as well. However, maybe a bit more abstract and targeting emotions, rather than practical words. In addition, music often uses words in poem form, further emphasising the abstract aspect of communication.

PhD study for "The History of Visualisation of Music" anyone?


Gavin Heaton said...

As we become more influenced and enmeshed with Asia it will be interesting to see the way that Chinese and other Asian typefaces impact our ways of reading, writing and communicating.

Teppo Hudson said...

Definitely it will be. I believe western world is becoming increasingly visual and therefore easier for us to see the subtle differences in Asian typefaces. Though in a long run I see a merge within cultural differences.