Thursday, September 02, 2010

The value of curating online


Machine Head

A good friend of mine has launched a curated online news media Topiikki, which aims to give you the most relevant news items, whether in blogs or in a more traditional news sites.

This makes me think about the slow transition towards curation in online media, as opposite to rather than just aggregating content. It is nothing hugely new, but just as in arts, the importance of value and meaningfullness found within a huge mass of content rises to the top. This is in the heart of the move on from web 2.0, where people and content are more connected.

The Digitalisation is not about move from analog to digital, it is a move from scarcity to surfeit. The best curators are nodes and connectors, guiding you to a more insightful understanding of what you are seeing (or reading) around the world. Like art curators have for centuries, great online news curators have a knowledge to balancing content and value.

Edit: Mikko Järvenpää blogged about the same theme, going a bit more indepth with this issue.

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