Monday, April 23, 2007

Poetry in Motion


I thought to wrote down some lines again. Its been a while since the last update. Lately I have been thinking about my live here in London. I always somehow though that I have to call this city a home. But after four years, I just can't. It is a great city and does give me so much. However, I think I will never call it a home, more as a long overstreched stopover until the next leg on my travels.

That takes me to the point: I am on a long trip, covering ground, learning about myself and hopefully one day able to make it into my art. Yeah, there is the company and long term plans of building a career. But career in what? Not that 9-5 office one, no! Life is journey, so there is no point getting stucked. Keep your options alive.

However, I bet it is a real crack to arrive home oneday and see the familiar faces in scandinavia. It praises the old wisdom that my goold old friend Mikko mentioned: All travelling is meaningless if you have no place to return. As these years roll by I starting to believe more and more that the journey is the destination. The art of movement is like poetry in motion. Try to see thing in a new light and appreciate the little details.

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