Thursday, September 20, 2007

Viral World

Philosophy + Business

GorillaThe new Cadbury chocolate advert with the gorilla. It has created a turmoil within the advertising industry, many top level people saying that the advertisement future is changing. Might be true, and the interview with Laurence Green, the creative director of the company behind the Cadbury's Gorilla (Fallon London), made me think about the issue.

"...there is a product message in there too. In fact, the entire commercial is a product metaphor. "Chocolate is about joy and pleasure. For years Cadbury has told us that it was generous, through the glass and a half strap line. We thought, don't tell us how generous you are; show us. Don't tell us about joy; show us joy."

What is important in this quote is the last bit. Society is changing, and the media has to change with it. We are so bombarded with advertisements and choice that sometimes it feels that we are anymore free to do the choice between products. This leads to the fact that audience / consumers (which ever way you want to call them) do not want someone to tell them. They want someone to show them.

This is a television broadcast spot that actually feels like a viral. There’s something intrinsically wonderful about seeing this weird little bit of film unceremoniously crop up between Big Brother commercial breaks.

Brilliant, memorable, left-field way to engage people with a famous brand that needs no introduction and has traditionally suggested that the most important thing about chocolate is a glass and a half of milk. Respects my intelligence and is prepared to spend some of my ‘hard earned chocolate budget’ on giving me a laugh.

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