Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Next Step


Some might wonder the reasons behind this sudden change. Main one is the good ol' girls, but I'm happy to tell that more importantly I am to take the brave step onto the internet start-up world. Maybe a bit late now that the boom times of internet are over, but neverthless in times when my speciality of mixing audio and visual together is most needed.

Internet is full of videos and clips. Full of music. Full of artists promoting themselves using videos or vblogs. The problem is that most if this is so scattered and unprofessional that my spine shivers when watching these clips.

Therefore after careful consideration, I am most likely aiming to start focusing on developing this audio/visual content online and developed it into production business. Feature Films oneday.

Moreover, after reading Rudolf Arnheim's "Film As Art" (1932), it seems there are a lot of opportunities to take audio/visual content of TV and online towards art. Not saying that current films or TV is not art, just aiming to take it more towards meaningful visual interpretation and storytelling. With clever journalism, The Internet might prove to be a good platform for this purpose. Remember words City Vice TV!

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