Philosophy +
ThoughtsTonight I watched the hyped film Zeitgeist Addendum (
watch it here). It is a very eye opening and thoughtful film. I must say, I am very pro capitalism ideas of motivating people from inside and giving them incentives to work to make their life better. I don't believe that state managed world would never survive because of the sloth people will endure eventually.
Zeitgeist Addendum argues "there should be no states"
The internet is opening the world to mash up culturally and economically. We are opening our world to new information. In addition, as we speak the monetary system is about to collapse. I believe, within the next couple of years, the world will start to accelerate away from the monetary system, where the system is for the profit. Not for the people. I think it could be for both. Monetary system worked in the old world where technology could not take away scarcity. Today it is outdated, because of the still emerging information and technology revolution.
Is the solution towards the ideas the Venus Project states in Zeitgeist Addendum? Maybe, maybe not. That does not matter. The film's strength is that is makes you think.
However, the film does have its weakness. One issue it does not cover is power. Ultimately, people do not look for money or easy living, they look for power. And we should not be naive to believe, that even with all needs provided, people would live in harmony with no power hungry individuals emerging.
Still, the point of the film is that it is time for a new system. I agree. We are no longer living in a world where scarcity is an issue. Human society has means to provide everything for everybody, from energy to transportation and food. if we just could take away the power hunger.
Could we live in a world where cultures mash up to produce individual opinions and little notions about places, people, behaviors. About the good and positive issues human mind truly wishes to have. In a world where no war is fought because there is no scarcity?
Free your mind.